Return of the Z Round 3

11 Apr

This past week has been killing me!!! I never felt so broke in my life. They say money doesn’t buy you happiness but whoever said that lied! We love to go out at least once a week and treat ourselves to some yummy food but instead this week, I spent 50 dollars on food to last us for the next week. =( I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. Instead we spent our weekend doing outdoor leisure activities such as jogging and bike riding at the beach. We also got started on the return of the Murda whip.

We recently got a new motor for the Z…another vg. This weekend we were able to pull out the old motor and see the damage. It was hurt for sure. We pulled off the parts we need to transfer them onto the new motor and I bagged and Wilson labeled all the parts. It makes life soo much easier when you just organize and label your parts/bolts instead of dumping them all into one pile. Mike will be taking some parts to work tomorrow to clean then we should be on our way to putting the new motor together. The Z will be running in no time.

As for some new toys, we were thinking of getting a custom barrel for the advans for a deeper offset. I damaged one of the rims at Star speedway a couple years back and have yet to fix it. So instead, getting custom Wheel shells would be the best/better looking option. I could sell the advans and get new rims but….eh…they’re classic. I’m not letting them go. Hopefully I can get some seats this year and do some interior work to make it look/feel more comfortable. Cage?…possibly. At this rate, it’ll take me forever just to even get a seat and seat rail.

Here is the Z back then

Here is what we got done this weekend

Moah to come…

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